We often find doing things the opposite of the world leads to greater impact and is how we find truth and contentment in a broken world. Here at CĒDRUS we take a holistic approach to Wealth Management.
We believe that with the recent loss of credibility in Wall Street Firms, the Banking Industry and Federal Agency Governance, there is a great need for trustworthy investment firms who adhere to a higher level of integrity.
What is True Transparency?
CĒDRUS offers an access portal powered by eMoney that allows you to see exactly what’s happening behind the scenes of your investment portfolio. By providing you with 24/7 access to what’s happening in your portfolio, you can rest assured that you know exactly how your investments are performing, rather than having to thumb through potentially confusing monthly or quarterly statements that can fail to detail true activity and may even mislead you as to your financial growth…or lack thereof. In essence, we make the process visible to you, avoiding the “black box” of Wall Street.
Because our success is measured by your confidence in us, ensuring your satisfaction and upholding the highest of standards in handling your financial affairs is our top priority. In addition to our portal access, CĒDRUS will conduct regular quarterly asset performance reviews and annual family meetings for ongoing communication and quality control. We understand that life happens, so it’s important to continually monitor and adjust your family business plan in order to address any needs that may arise.
Avoiding the conflicts of interest
The perceived reality is that Wall Street is riddled with conflicts of interest between investment firms and their clients. Brokers now call themselves “advisors,” but they are generally compensated to do trades and push their firm’s products, regardless of how it may impact your bottom line. Banks and Wall Street Firms help build revenue based on business volume with Mutual Fund Companies, Insurance Companies, and Private Money Managers. Many see it has become the industry standard to nickel and dime the investment public with fees and commissions with a lack of transparency. CĒDRUS endeavors to avoid these conflicts of interest by capitalizing on superior technology, eliminating the “middle man” and aligning with the right strategic relationships to help ensure you’re getting the most for your investing dollars.
Wealth Alignment
Successful families know that to achieve contentment, they must align their wealth with their needs and goals. Intuitively, we are all naturally wired to view our wealth in buckets that are assigned to real life needs. Yet it’s common practice in the financial planning industry to focus on retaining clients for the wrong reasons, creating an emotional disconnect between investment advice and the real meaning of wealth. This can generally cause unnecessary losses and leads to a dissatisfying relationship between the advisor and clients.
At CĒDRUS, we believe that pools of wealth must be analyzed separately before they can be integrated in an effort to help a family achieve its vision and goals. We carefully consider the risks, liquidity, time horizon and necessary cash flow that we determine to be required for your success. This alignment is a focal point to your wealth contentment and creates the basis for proper asset allocation and portfolio management.
Family Contentment
We measure our success at CĒDRUS by the extent to which our client families create an enduring legacy. Instead of letting wealth cause confusion and family turmoil, we work alongside our clients with the goal of their contentment. We can help your family begin its journey toward contentment by helping you achieve true emotional freedom regarding your wealth.
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